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What is BitGreen?
Bitcoin Green (BITG) uses proof of stake and uses intuitive economic incentives to protect the network instead of wasting a lot of computer resources. Bitcoin Green can be mined on almost any computer and will not consume more energy than regular desktop applications. Cryptocurrency holders basically issue collateral in the form of bitcoin green, proving to the network that they are stakeholders, and are therefore financially motivated to comply with network rules. Internet inflation, the BITG just generated, flows directly to the holders of cryptocurrencies. These coordinate economic incentives for network participants by creating a single interest group. There is no longer a difference between miners and currency holders, such as Bitcoin and other proof-of-work currencies. In fact, anyone who uses a computer can become a miner (or 'Staker') on the network, democratizing the mining process by removing barriers to entry and ensuring that the new digital currency is widely distributed. This also leads to a natural governance mechanism through which stakeholders of cryptocurrencies can directly vote on the blockchain in a transparent manner, and the vote is proportional to their proportion in the network. The network was launched on January 26, 2018. 2.4% of the total pre-mining supply, 80% airdrop to early community supporters, 6% to 10 initial team members, and 14% for partners, and help fund the project. The project code base is a fork of PIVX, and PIVX is a fork of DASH, which is a fork of Bitcoin. DASH and PIVX use a mixed PoS / PoW model, while BITG uses a single PoS. The total supply of BITG is 21 million.
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